5 Most Common Dryer Vent Problems and Ways to Avoid It

Dryer Usage

When dryer vent malfunctions, you would end up facing a lot of issues. Many people search for a technician when they have to deal with a serious issue. Dryer vent issues make laundry a complex task. Excess debris and lint also make the laundry time-consuming. This situation can offer a fire hazard to your house. The overall efficiency of the machine gets compromised. The energy expenses go higher. It also promotes the harmful biological growth. What are the 5 most common dryer vent problems and ways to avoid them?

1) Compressed dryer transition tubing

Dryer vent connector


There is only a short distance between the wall and back of many dryers. You need to be careful about this aspect. The transition tubes would get compressed or flattened when they are pushed against the wall. If you experience such as issue, the tubes should be replaced with a semi-rigid metal duct. The unit must be moved a bit from the wall. If you choose a reputed and experienced dryer technician to install the unit, you can avoid this problem.

2) Unusual noises and strange vibrations

Many people complain that they hear unusual noises and strange vibrations from the dryer vent. You need to suspect a failed dryer drum seal if you find these symptoms. The primary reason behind this issue is the frequent contact or overloading with external objects. The most obvious solution to this problem is to replace the seal. If you want to avoid this issue, you must hire a reliable duct cleaning service provider for frequent inspections.

3) Immediate dryer shut off

Equipment for Dryer- Fixing


Many people have to deal with unexpected shut off of the dryer after functioning for a couple of minutes. The underlying reason could be a broken a broken thermostat. What are the possible situations that result in the breakage of thermostat? Blocked ventilation is the most common reason. Other reasons include regular machine overload and clogged lint screen. The best solution to address this problem is to replace the thermostat failure. If you choose a special maintenance package from a reputed company, you can avoid this problem effectively.

4) Running without heating up

The dryer keeps running but doesn’t heat up to provide the expected results. If you experience this issue, you have to check the thermal fuse. The most common reason behind this problem is a faulty thermal fuse. Why does the dryer run but never heat up? The reasons can be frequent machine overload, clogged lint screen, or blocked ventilation. How can this problem be addressed? You need to replace the heating element to find a permanent solution. Frequent examinations of the dryer will offer the much-needed protection and you can avoid this issue.

5) Unwanted vent turns

Dryer Usage


A perfect dryer vent must be in a straight line. Unwanted vent turns lead to increased debris and lint accumulation. This situation lowers the overall efficiency of the unit. You must make efforts to avoid multiple turns in the dryer vent if you want to stay protected against this issue.

These are the 5 most common dryer vent problems and the most effective ways to avoid them. You need to identify a reliable and renowned duct cleaning company to maintain the functionality of your equipment at optimal levels.